Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday, September 7, 2006

-Went to PEG. Girls interacted with other kids under the supervision of another adult.
-Girls built castles with blocks. Astrid and I had a discussion about the difference between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. She learned the names for cubes and cylinders.
-Played with Scrabble tiles. Astrid tried to see how many different ways she could make squares or rectangles out of a given number of Scrabble tiles. We discussed different ways of expressing what she'd made (ex. Four rows of two tiles makes eight, four times two is eight, etc.)
-Again with the Scrabble, I made as many different words as I could out of 10 or 12 different letters and Astrid sounded them out. She made a couple words on her own, as well. Mostly read 3-letter words, some 4-letter words, one 6-letter word (friend). She was very excited at having read such a big word! I suggested we try reading out of a book, but she was too frustrated by the fact that most of the letters were lower-case, with which she is not as familiar as the upper-case.
-Astrid decided to make a book by copying the text from the book 'Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb' by Al Perkins. She only got done the first page, having started it over at least 3 times due to mistakes, but it was good practise at recognizing the shapes of the lower-case letters. She translated it all into upper-case on her paper, demonstrating a knowledge of the lower-case when she really thinks about it.
-Lots of unstructured play (building and playing with train track set, dress-up, tea party, etc.)
-Had discussion over dinner about foods from different cultures with our French and Chinese housemates.
-Both girls did a couple pages in colouring/activity books.


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