Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday, September 15, 2006

-Circle time.
-Worked on memory passage. Astrid has first five lines or so memorized.
-Some of the library books we got out about Incas also contain information about the Aztecs and Mayas. Astrid said she wanted to learn about them as well, so we started to read about them. Talked about where they lived (and looked for it on the globe) what they had in common with the Incas, what was different, etc.
-Astrid decided she wanted to make an Aztec sun stone like one pictured in one of the books, so I walked and the girls biked to the art supply store to get some clay.
-We made Aztec sun stones out of clay. We'll paint them next week when they're dry.
-I showed Astrid how to use a pencil and compass to make a perfect circle (to make a pattern for our sun stones).
-Astrid made a couple other sculptures with the left over clay.
-The girls helped me pick beans and tomatoes.
-They played on the swing set.
-Unstructured play: Imaginary play (fairies, dog owners, moving day) building forts behind the living room chair, etc.
-Muirgen's been exploring the difference between high and low notes and how to identify them on her harmonica lately. Did some of this today.
-We had a discussion with Vincent about the benefits of owning a house versus renting one.
-Astrid did a couple pages in a work book (repeating patterns of shapes).
-Astrid practiced drawing hexagons and octagons and talked more with Jason about the math he is working on.
-Muirgen drew a very elaborate picture. Her drawing skills have improved dramatically recently.
-Read a counting book and one chapter of 'Charlotte's Web' at bedtime, as well as saying numerous nursery rhymes.


Blogger sqsus said...

That's great that you could just go out and buy some clay, right away, while the interest is there. I wouldn't be able to do that, I don't think.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Yeah, there are definite benefits to living in a larger city, not to mention right downtown.

8:55 PM  

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