Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

-Astrid completed 14 pages in her math work book.
-Muirgen played with an odd assortment of small objects for quite a while.
-The girls played with the Noah's ark set.
-We walked to the doctor's office to talk with our doctor about vaccinations. (We have not vaccinated our kids and have been revisiting the issue lately. We wanted to obtain the product inserts for the vaccines the girls would receive if we chose to vaccinate at this point. I could only get two of the three I wanted. After going through them tonight, I am still very hesitant to vaccinate. The first one lists a CAUSAL relationship between the vaccine and neurological illness in it's 'warnings' section, among other worrisome things. That alone is reason enough for us to want to avoid it. The second one, while having no causal relationships listed in it's adverse reactions (one of which is DEATH), is grown in the tissue of aborted fetuses. I have a problem supporting a company that is profiting from abortions. There are currently no alternatives to this particular vaccine that are not grown in this medium. So I'm pretty sure our kids won't be getting their MMR or DPT+hib vaccines. We still want to look into the one for meningitis.)
-We stopped at the post office to buy stamps and send of some mail on our way home.
-The girls played together for an hour and a half while I had a nap. I felt very tired after the hour I spent walking (while pulling the girls in the wagon) to and from the doctors.
-I read them a story book.
-They helped me make corn chowder for supper.
-Swimming lessons. Muirgen finally put her mouth in the water and blew bubbles today! The other kids in her class all did it at the first lesson. She was pretty proud of herself!


Blogger sqsus said...

I'm surprised to hear that you're considering vaccintations. Care to tell why? Maybe not here, but sometime. I'm shocked to here that a vaccine is grown in the tissue of aborted fetuses. It makes me shiver to think that all of my kids have got it. How did you find this out? It's not written in the pamphlet provided by the company who makes it, is it? Is the meningitis vaccine one of the new free ones? If you're considering getting it, it makes me afraid that I've made the wrong decision. I didn't do any research about it, I just figured I wouldn't bother getting any of the new ones. (Especially the chicken pox one.) Let's talk about it later.

6:54 PM  

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