Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

-Muirgen helped hang up laundry.
-Girls played with paper dolls, colouring books, the Noah's ark set and their felt board sets.
-Worked on making our Christmas gifts. Talked about fractions as we were dividing a recipe in half.
-Muirgen spent a lot of time dancing.
-Astrid played in her room for a while. Not sure what she was doing, but I could hear her singing a song that went something like this: "I am the most strongest girl. I am the most toughest girl. I am the most bravest girl. I know everything. If you'd like to know something, come to me and I will teach you..."
-Girls played outside in the snow.
-They made angels out of cut out bell shapes.
-Astrid did a "B is for bell" puzzle on the computer.-We looked at the calendar and counted the days until Jason's birthday.
-Swimming lessons. For some reason Muirgen refused to go in the water tonight. She just sat on the edge of the pool for the whole class. Thankfully their teacher is very good about not pushing them to do what they don't want to do. This was their last lesson until January (assuming we can get a spot - we're on the waiting list right now).


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