Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

-Astrid worked on the scarf she is making on her weaving loom.
-Muirgen did a bit of weaving on it as well.
-Muirgen worked on her embroidery.
-Our housemate, Joannie, who's in education, is doing her alternative practicum with us since we're pursuing a path of "alternative education". Today she and Astrid talked a bit about the sea and made a list of words that all started with 'S' and had to do with the sea. Astrid sounded out the words and drew little pictures depicting each one beside it.
-Joannie played piano and sang with the girls and read them a couple story books, one of which had a little clock in it with moving hands. The girls moved the hands to the positions which coresponded with the time talked about on each page.
-We baked cinnamon buns.
-The girls played 'Rock, paper, scissors'.
-I read a counting book to Muirgen.
-The girls played various make-believe games.


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