Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Sorry about the week of absenteeism. It was a full week. Jason's sister was here from Monday to Thursday, much to the girls' delight. She read them lots of books, played games with them and came along to all of their activities. We spent a day shopping for a flower girl dress (Angela's getting married in the fall and Astrid is to be her flower girl) and went to the pool for a swim (Joannie did various games and songs with the girls in the pool as she is a swimming teacher). Astrid cut many pictures of brides out of Angela's bridal magazines and they are now taped up all over the house. We did some painting. On Friday we packed up and headed for Kitchener for the weekend. On Sunday we celebrated Ethan's fifth birthday with our family and most of the Klavers.

Now, on to today...

-Got the groceries and did the shopping we needed to do to have all our supplies ready for the birth. Went to the hospital to pre-register (just in case) and to the optometrist to see about getting my broken glasses fixed. These errands took up a lot of the day.
-Joannie prepared an activity about the fruits of the spirit for the girls in the afternoon. She printed Galatians 5:22-23 on two sheets of paper in large letters. They read them over together a few times with the girls pointing to the words on their pages as they said them. They talked about the meaning of each of the "fruits" and thought of examples of when they have acted loving, kind, patient, etc. and when they have not. Joannie taught them a song that lists the fruits. They cut out pictures of fruit from grocery fliers and magazines, as well as the words from the papers Joannie had printed. They glued each word to a fruit (Astrid tried to pick fruits which went with the words, for example: love went with strawberries because they're shaped like hearts. Patience went with grapfruit because they take a long time to cut up and need to be waited for. Gentleness went with pears because they get bruised so easily. Joy went with bananas because they're shaped like smiles...) They then glued the fruits and words onto pictures of trees that Joannie drew for them. They both drew some of their own fruits as we had a shortage of ones in the magazines. They did this by looking at actual pieces of fruit we had on hand. When they were done, they ate some of them.
-Astrid filled in her food chart.


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