Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

-Muirgen completed three pages in her counting workbook. She is still struggling to hold her pencil the right way, but will do it if I really encourage it. She now recognizes numerals 1-10, often mixing up 6 and 9.
-Astrid completed five pages of addition sums in her math workbook.
-The girls worked on their memory verses for Awana.
-We filed some of Muirgen's papers into her binder. She looked through it.
-The girls unpacked their suitcases from our weekend at their grandparents' places for Easter.
-They helped me organize the crawl space on the third floor.
-They played with their paper dolls.
-Astrid read herself about half of a storybook she received for Easter.
-I read two chapters of 'Little House on the Prairie' by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls. We recently read 'Little House in the Big Woods' and 'Farmer Boy' also by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The girls have been enjoying them immensely. They particularly like that they are true stories. They've been learning a lot about the life of the early settlers from these books and are fascinated by how different their lives were from ours. They spend a lot of time pretending to be characters from the books and creating imaginary scenarios for them.
-Muirgen helped me make baked oatmeal for supper.
-The girls went to Awana.
-We had a conversation about what would happen if various parts of our bodies were cut off (this came out of singing the song 'Three Blind Mice'.


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