Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2007

-Worked on memory verses.
-Made fabric collages. The backboards we used were pieces of our old kitchen ceiling tiles! Muirgen is in a phase where she feels that Astrid's creations always turn out better than hers, so she began this project by copying Astrid. Thankfully, she eventually veered down her own path.

-Astrid helped make baked oatmeal for lunch.
-The girls did some addition and subtraction on the front window with the window markers. Astrid practiced writing her spelling words (names of fruit) next to pictures of the fruit which I drew for her on the window.
-They listened to music and played.
-We walked downtown with some of our friends to get ice cream at Ben and Jerry's. Today was free cone day!
-The girls played and cleaned up while I made supper and then it was off to AWANA.
-They helped me put the groceries away when we got home.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

-Last week, inspired by our friends, the Lovedays, we decided to do some still life drawing. We have a lot of practicing to do before we're as good as they are, but we had fun and were all pleased with what we drew considering it was our first time trying this. Muirgen's tomato, to which she felt compelled to add a cloud

bananas, as seen by Astrid and myself

-We spent the weekend with my parents who were down for a visit. We took them to the library, to a fundraising concert at which one of Jason's bands (The Gertrudes) performed,to the playground, to the ice cream shop, on a walk around Kingston, to the flea market and to church. Grandpa read books to the girls and they did yard work with Grandma.
-Today the girls worked on their memory verses.
-They played in our rather wet basement. I don't know what they were doing, exactly, but I could hear them singing every song they could think of that was about rain. When I went down later I noticed that the water which had been running down the slightly sloping floor in little rivulets had been swept about to cover the entire floor.
-They spent an hour and a half playing with their friend, Hannah. Part of that time was spent outside in the rain, splashing in puddles and so forth.
-We read the first three chapters of 'On the Banks of Plum Creek' by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
-Last week we spent some time acting out the life cycle of a butterfly using receiving blankets to be our eggs, our food, our chrysalises and our wings. We were unsure about what butterflies do after they migrate south and mate. So today I asked Astrid if she thought we could find that information in any of the books we have in our little library. She pulled out a book about insects and the children's encyclopedia. We checked the insect book first. She used the table of contents to look up the section on butterflies and moths and found the page about them which we read. It did not contain the information we were looking for, so she looked up "butterfly" in the encyclopedia. It did not have the information either, but we managed to find it in the section on "migration".
-The girls listened to music and spent a fair amount of time playing Little House. August got to be baby Carrie. He's fairly willing to play the role at this point!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Well, I'm falling off the wagon again!
Here are a few of the things we've done in the last week or so:
-Finished reading 'Little House on the Prairie' by Laura Ingalls
-Prepared a Little House dinner from the Little House cookbook. We made baked beans, creamed carrots, mashed potatoes and rye'n'injun bread (which Jason tried to convince the girls to call rye'n'corn bread, but to no avail, despite talking about why he thought the name from the book was no longer a very good idea).
-Read more of the pioneer story and the underground railroad story both by Barbara Greenwood.
-Spent a lot of time outside playing and doing yard work. The girls spent an entire day with our next door neighbours, Tammy and Maria, helping them put gardens in their back yard which had been badly neglected by the previous owner. It's looking great!
-Observed ants, caterpillars, earth worms and flies. Astrid managed to catch a fly with her butterfly net and put it in a jar with an ant to see what would happen.
-Did some watercolour painting.

-Built forts in the back yard.
-Astrid did some workbook pages in math and geography.
-Hung butcher paper on the fence on which the girls made a mural using oil pastels, crayons, paints, stickers and feathers.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2007

-We had circle time and worked on memory verses.
-Astrid hung up half a load of laundry. It was the first time in 2008 that we hung it outside!
-The girls played outside for much of the day. They set up a school on the deck for their dolls and played on the swing set. They pulled weeds from the gardens.
-We read a chapter from the Little House on the Prairie cookbook. (It contains a lot of information - not just recipes).
-The girls helped me plan our menu and grocery list for the coming week. They picked recipes out of the books we got at the library, including the Little House one.
-We finished making our tin can lanterns.
-Muirgen and I played a game from the Montessori learn to read program. The first step is to be able to recognize the first sound in a word (Montessori teaches sounds before letter names) which she can do without any trouble. The second step is to recognize the final sound in a word. She has a little more trouble with this, but grasps the idea and can often figure it out. We moved on to the game that helps learn this concept. We'll probably play it a bunch more before moving on.
-The girls went to AWANA.
-When they got home, they put away the groceries I bought while they were there.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Monday, April 8, 2008

-Last night after the girls were in bed I wrote some math problems on the front door with the window markers for Astrid and some shapes to trace for Muirgen. When I came down this morning, they had done them.
-Had circle time.
-Girls worked on memory verses. For Astrid, along with memorization, this includes looking up specific verses in the bible.
-They helped me make bread (in the machine).
-We read some more of 'The Last Safe House'. It talked about how escaping slaves knew that a house was safe because its occupants would hang a lantern in the upstairs window. So we started making lanterns of our own out of tin cans. We drew dotted designs on them with markers and tomorrow we plan to use a hammer and nails to punch out the holes for a candle's light to shine through.
-We baked gingerbread cookies.

-The girls listened to music and danced.
-They played outside. I think they continued on with their imaginary farm that they thought up yesterday.
-Astrid completed two pages in her math workbook. I find that if I just leave it laying around where she's likely to see it, more often than not she'll flip it open and do a bit of work in it.
-Brandon, our house mate, arrived back today after being away for nine weeks. The girls spent supper filling him in on every detail he's missed.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sunday, April 6, 2007

-We went to church.
-The girls played outside for the whole afternoon. They helped me with a little yard work, clearing out the debris from last years gardens since we didn't get to it in the Fall. They pretended they were on a farm. They mixed up strange concoctions in pails using snow, ice, water, mud, etc. They built a bonfire (which they couldn't actually light). They swung on the swing set. They did many other things that I'm not aware of!
-They listened to music and played instruments along with it.
-While I was out this evening, they watched a nature documentary with Jason.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Saturday, April 6, 2008

-We went to story time at the library. All the stories, rhymes and songs had to do with frogs. They also showed a film called 'A Boy, A Dog and A Frog'.
-Jordin told us that they have a Little House Cookbook at the library, so we checked out the kids cookbook section and ended up hanging out there for quite some time, looking through cookbooks. We found the little house one and the girls each picked out a couple other to sign out, as well. We also found some books about the underground railroad.
-Jason read the girls a couple story books at the library.
-We walked home, stopping at the drug store to buy stamps, and thoroughly enjoyed the spring weather. The girls collected recyclable garbage to put in our recycling box at home which is something they do every time we are out walking.
-We read the first couple sections in "The Last Safe House" which is by the same author of "A Pioneer Story" and is written in the same format. It's about the escape of slaves from the southern states in the mid 1800's.
-We looked through one of the cookbooks Astrid chose and she picked out something to make for supper (spring rolls).
-The girls played while I napped with August.
-They played in the back yard a bit.
-Muirgen listened to one of the CDs she got at the library. When she listens to music she actually sits down and gives it her full attention, which I really like!
-Astrid prepared the spring rolls with very little help from me. I mainly just got down ingredients that were on high shelves for her. She even read and followed the recipe on her own. Muirgen helped with some of the chopping of veggies and some stirring.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

-The girls have requested that we start doing circle time in the mornings again, so today we did.
-They worked on their memory verses.
-I've decided to try the Montessori approach to teach Muirgen how to read. By the time Astrid was her age, she recognized all the letters and knew their sounds. She seemed to pick this up by osmosis or something. We didn't really have to "teach" her. It is evident that Muirgen is not going to pick it up this way, at least not any time soon, so that's why I'm trying this. I like that there are very clear steps layed out that all build on eachother and they all are little games. You're supposed to spend as much time as it takes for your child to master one game before moving on to the next, which could take weeks, according to the book I have. They recommend starting at about age 2.5. Muirgen is 4.5. We played the first game today and she needed no time at all to master it. It makes me wonder if there is any real benefit at starting so young when it takes weeks for children to grasp something they will grasp in 10 minutes in a couple of years. Anyway, I can really see this method working for Muirgen and I feel like she's at a good age and stage to be doing it.
-We read the section from one of the Pioneer books that talked about who the original settlers were. It showed a map of where the different groups came from and even talked about our own ancestors, the Mennonites who settled Waterloo region. We talked about why the Mennonites came to Canada and why other groups of people did as well. We talked about slaves who came to find freedom via the underground railroad. The girls were fascinated with the notion of slavery so we talked a lot about what it entailed, how we feel about it, etc.
-We planted seedlings in little peat pots to plant outside when it's warmer. Hopefully they grow. I've never had success starting seeds indoors before. We planted purple basil, regular basil, thyme, and a flowering vine from the same family as brown-eyed susans.
-We read the section about finding a bee tree in "A Pioneer Story". After words we made honey butter and dug up our beeswax candles to light while we ate honey butter on bagels. Mmmmm!
-The girls cut pictures of food out of magazines and played with it and their little porcelain tea set.
-We worked a bit on Muirgen's seasons quilt (we WILL finish them some day....) All her patches are done and we're almost finished sewing them together.
-Astrid drew a picture of a robber on the window. While she was working on it I wrote out a bunch of addition and subtraction sums on another part of the window and just left them there while I went upstairs. She soon called me to come and look at them. She had changed all of the subtraction ones to adding, but had completed them all correctly, except for where she had to carry the tens (which she wouldn't have had to do had she left it a subtraction question!) So I taught her how to carry the tens if the numbers she's adding equal more than 9. I'm not sure if she got it sufficiently enough to do it again on her own, but I'm sure she could do it very easily with a little reminding.
-Hannah came over to play. The girls set up a "kids only club" in the playroom and locked me out with a skipping rope lock that Astrid devised last week. I could hear Astrid reading books aloud to Hannah and Muirgen.
-Astrid went to her ballet class and Muirgen and Hannah spent that whole time bathing their pet (rubber) spiders using squirt bottles of water, jars and rags. They had a great time and didn't make too big a mess!