-PEG. Today was the first day of the formal children's program at PEG. The children are going through the creation story. The girls told me that today was all about light and darkness. They sang some songs, played red light, green light, had the first part of the creation story read to them, made pictures where they scratched patterns into black crayon to reveal the colours they'd put underneath.
-When we got home, the girls closed all the curtains, turned out the lights and played with flash lights.
-They helped me make applesauce bread and coconut oatmeal cookies.
-They did water colour paintings, using the Waldorf method of painting on wet paper. We splurged and bought high quality water colour paper, paints and brushes. I'm really glad we did. The way the girls use them is unlike any other painting they do. It is obvious that they are simply enjoying the process and do not care about the final product. They spend huge amounts of time on a single painting, simply exploring the way the paint goes onto the paper and the way they can change the way their picture looks infinite numbers of times.

-Astrid and I painted our Inca sun stones. They didn't really turn out to look like the one in the book, but we enjoyed making them none the less.

-Read a story book about a boy with a loose tooth. Astrid's friend just lost his first tooth. This is the first of her friends to loose a tooth.
-We made Incan stew for supper, using ingredients the Incas would have had ready access to. Astrid chopped up all the vegetables.
-Muirgen, Jason and I had a conversation about ducks - where they live, what they eat, etc. Muirgen was fascinated by the fact that they can walk, swim, AND fly. She thought it was not very good that some ducks eat fish.
-Muirgen explored how adding a certain number of fingers from one hand and a certain number from the other produces a new number.
-Read a chapter of 'Charlotte's Web'.
-Astrid and I had a long (and very good) talk about how we all sometimes make good choices and sometimes make bad choices, how we are all in control of the choices we make and of how we behave. We talked about how everyone does bad things from time to time and how God still loves us and forgives us despite that.
-Songs and rhymes at bedtime.